Michelle Williams (Destiny's Child) sort du silence


Thank you ALL sooooooooooooooo much for every message of love and support sent! My family, friends and fiancé have been AWESOME! Sitting here reflecting on the past two weeks. I had no plans of what I was going through being public BUT now that it is I have a made an even BIGGER commitment to the mental health awareness area. So many people are suffering, hurting, hopeless, lost and dont see a way out but there is. Depression sucks, but my faith in God and my commitment to doing the work to stay well is my way out! You have to do the work even when youre tired and feel the heaviness. Take one step at a time! Dont overwhelm yourself. If you can just get up out the bed and brush your teeth and shower.....DO IT. For people dealing with depression , that is a HUGE step! Now dont be depressed AND stinky.....pick a struggle! (yall know I had to add some humor) Oh......Miss Tina cooked a HUGE meal for me the other night too, I just wanted to make yall jealous!

Une publication partagée par Michelle Williams (@michellewilliams) le

Courage. Michelle Williams, internée dans un centre de soin pour soigner sa dépression, a donné de ses nouvelles, sur Instagram. "Je n'avais pas prévu que cet épisode soit public mais cela a renforcé mon engagement dans la sensibilisation aux maladies mentales. Tant de personnes souffrent et sont sans espoir... La dépression ça craint, mais ma foi en Dieu et mon engagement dans ce travail pour rester bien est ma planche de salut", lit-on sur le compte Instagram de la chanteuse de 37 ans. 
