Ecole Primaire Paul Grimault Stang Ar C'hoat (29000, Quimper)

Informations générales

Type d'établissement : École maternelle et primaire
Statut de l'établissement : Établissement Public
Académie : Académie de Rennes
Zone scolaire : Zone B

Adresse, contact, coordonnées

Ecole Primaire Paul Grimault Stang Ar C'hoat
10 Rue Stang Ar C'hoat
29000 Quimper
Téléphone : 02 98 95 41 07
Site Web : n.c.

Horaires Ecole Primaire Paul Grimault Stang Ar C'hoat

Lundi : de 08h45 à 11h45 et de 13h30 à 16h30
Mardi : de 08h45 à 11h45 et de 13h30 à 16h30
Jeudi : de 08h45 à 11h45 et de 13h30 à 16h30
Vendredi : de 08h45 à 11h45 et de 13h30 à 16h30

Conditions d'accueil dans l'établissement

Nombre d'élèves : 76
Réseau d'éducation prioritaire (REP) : non
Réseau d'éducation prioritaire renforcé (REP+) : non
Présence d'une cantine : oui
Unité localisée pour l'inclusion scolaire (Ulis) : non
Indice de position sociale (IPS) : 105 indice de mixité

Donnez votre avis sur cet établissement

Ecole Primaire Paul Grimault Stang Ar C'hoat : votre avis sur cet établissement

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Note moyenne :

(2 avis)
Signaler Mano -  08/06/2021 Excellent

Très bonne école.

Signaler Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there are -  22/01/2021

Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there aren't great giveaways still happening. Apple is notorious for rarely discounting iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, and Apple Watches, which is why you're in for a treat today. apple watch win

Signaler Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there are -  22/01/2021

Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there aren't great giveaways still happening. Apple is notorious for rarely discounting iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, and Apple Watches, which is why you're in for a treat today. apple watch win

Signaler Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there are -  22/01/2021 Bien

Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there aren't great giveaways still happening. Apple is notorious for rarely discounting iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, and Apple Watches, which is why you're in for a treat today. apple watch win

Signaler Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there are -  22/01/2021

Just because the holidays are over, that doesn't mean there aren't great giveaways still happening. Apple is notorious for rarely discounting iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, and Apple Watches, which is why you're in for a treat today. apple watch win

Ma note
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